Tested by
the North Sea

More than 40 Years of Offshore Equipment development and production

What we have built

Our starting point is the specific needs and issues of our customers. Here you can see a few of the systems and solutions we have developed for specific customers.

Contact us

We are available all hours of the day. Call or write, and we will get back to you immediately.

Søren Bach Hartvigsen

Søren has worked in the offshore industry since 1992 and holds an education in Marine Engineering and Electronics. He has 25 years of experience with all kinds of customized deck equipment. He has previously worked with underwater systems, trenchers, Mass Flow Excavation, etc. He is a specialist in motion control systems, electrical drives, inverter and converter controls. Energy optimization and energy regeneration as well as battery systems are also branches where Søren has great experience.

More info +45 2175 0043 sbh@arcim.dk LinkedIn

Morten Dalum Hvid

Morten has 17 years of experience in designing software for offshore systems, deck equipment mainly. He also has experience with Active Heave Compensation and the development of control systems for positioning, as well as control systems for cable laying equipment for offshore cables and pipes, turntables, tensioners and LCEs. Morten has a vast experience in Scada, HMI and PLC, and network systems. He is a specialist in frequency converters and motion control applications.

More info +45 2175 5004 mdh@arcim.dk LinkedIn